Woordfees 2024 – Skielik is jy vry

Veertig jaar gelede het Afrikaans een van sy begaafste sanger-liedjieskrywers verloor, maar Koos du Plessis se stem het nooit stil geraak nie. Danie Marais, Andries Bezuidenhout en Irma du Plessis, Koos se dogter en samesteller van die bundel Erfdeel: Koos du Plessis – versamelde werke, gesels oor die man agter die musiek, terwyl Andries, Lise Swart, Churchil Naudé en Schalk van der Merwe Koos se woorde en deuntjies laat draal op die verhoog.

Kaartjies en meer inligting hier beskikbaar.

Beware of the Dream – music video

A track from the album No place for time here (Dikeni Records, 2024). The track was originally released in Afrikaans in 2003. The video combines AI animation generated with prompts from the song’s lyrics, and extracts from books, letters, texts that are related to the theme of dreams and nightmares. A somewhat Gothic approach to the topic.

Andries Bezuidenhout – Trooskantates (album)

Afrikaanse musikant, digter, skilder en lid van die Brixton Moord & Roof Orkes se vyfde solo-album. Tien nuwe komposisies vir onstuimige tye. Musiek wat troos sonder om te sus. Die album is op 5 Julie 2024 vrygestel.

Musiek en woorde deur Andries Bezuidenhout, behalwe “Explorer of Nahoon”, melodie deur Andries Bezuidenhout en Lukas van Garderen
Opgeneem en gemeng deur Andries Bezuidenhout
Meester deur Willem Möller by Sharp Street Studio

Luister hier.



Stop, stop, hou stil hier
Ek is kelner en skoonmaker, sjef en sommelier
Elke nuwe gas word behandel soos familie
Die malligheid daar buite kom glad nie deur die mure nie
Eetgerei gerangskik ter wille van die rym
Ter wille van die melodie elke tafeldoek se grein

Wat ek voorsit is vrede, wat ek opdis is rus
Respyt van die ewigheid is al wat op die spyskaart is

Vir die wêreld se probleme het niemand meer raad nie
So fokus op die koffie is die koppie op die tafel
Hier’s kelders met vate vol vrede en wyn
Spense met wense wat verlange laat verdwyn
Pas gemaalde koffie, vars gebakte brood
Uitgedrukte vrugtesap van lemoene uit die boord

Wat ek voorsit is vrede, wat ek opdis is rus
Respyt van die ewigheid is al wat op die spyskaart is

Soms op my eie in die koue kombuis
In die oggendure hoor ek hoe die yskaste druis

Wat ek voorsit is vrede, wat ek opdis is rus
Respyt van die ewigheid is al wat op die spyskaart is


Kyk in die truspieël kom die son nou op
Koffie uit die Stanley vir ‘n oomblik se stop
By bankies van beton onder ‘n bloekomboom
Onderkant die bergpas is die Kamdeboo

Die spoedmeter is vlot en volkome tweetalig
Dit praat kilo’s per uur, maar is ook in myle vaardig
Jy lees jou spoed nie op ‘n naald nie, maar horisontaal
Soos ons seil verby ‘n rooivalk op ‘n telefoonpaal

Rooi leersitplekke, kattebak met vinne
Mixtape op die deck vir die beat hier binne
Tussen Pearston en Graaff-Reinet my grootste wens, ‘n
Blink swart convertible seventies Benz

Ja, Lucy Jordan kan die Eiffeltoring maar hou
Van Thelma en Louise kan ek net die einde onthou
Na Bagdad Café sal jy vir ewig hier rond soek
En vir Jack Kerouac het ons dekades gelede gegroet

Matchbox full of diamonds, en Riders on the storm
Die Mystic Boer dans doer in ‘n warrelwind rond
Oor die speakers sing Kerkorrel weer oor ‘n sprinkaanplaag
Soos die vlaktes in die skemer in ‘n berghang verdwaal

Rooi leersitplekke, kattebak met vinne
Mixtape op die deck vir die beat hier binne
Tussen Pearston en Graaff-Reinet my grootste wens, ‘n
Blink swart convertible seventies Benz

Ons het nêrens om te wees nie, nêrens om heen te gaan nie
En hoe ons hier gekom het gaan niemand juis aan nie
Telefoonpale, vlieswolke daar bo
Net ons en die vlaktes van die Kamdeboo

Rooi leersitplekke, kattebak met vinne
Mixtape op die deck vir die beat hier binne
Tussen Pearston en Graaff-Reinet my grootste wens, ‘n
Blink swart convertible seventies Benz

Is hierdie die waarheid, of iets wat ek onthou
Of dalk net ‘n wens of ‘n droom vir nou
Maar dis ek agter die stuur en jy langs my
Van Pearston al die pad by Graaff-Reinet verby


As die son net vir ‘n oomblik
Agter berge weg wou bly
Sou ek dalk tog uiteindelik
In drome weg kon gly
Maar die wekker op die boekrak
Hou aan om te marsjeer
Teen ‘n onverbiddelike pas
Word ure aangekeer

As jy iewers land
Maak jy nes of vlieg jy weg
Rooivlerkspreeu, o rooivlerkspreeu
Jy’s ook in die verkeerde eeu
En as jy iewers land
Maak jy nes of vlieg jy weg
Rooivlerkspreeu, o rooivlerkspreeu
Jy’s ook in die verkeerde eeu

Jou vroeg kon hoor in die oggendmis
Nog voor jy op die geut kom sit
Jou roep is ongedurig
Jou fladder wispelturig
My generasie vrees sentiment
Ons harte klop koue sement
Is dit die dat ek so projekteer
Oor wat mens by ‘n spreeu kan leer

As jy iewers land
Maak jy nes of vlieg jy weg
Rooivlerkspreeu, o rooivlerkspreeu
Jy’s ook in die verkeerde eeu
En as jy iewers sou land
Maak jy nes of vlieg jy weg
Rooivlerkspreeu, o rooivlerkspreeu
Jy’s ook in die verkeerde eeu

Ek ken Central Park en Voldelpark
Selfs Zanzibar se ou nagmark
Sou jy daar aard wonder ek
Hoe kies ‘n spreeu sy landingsplek
Hier’s darem minder ligte
En daarom skyn die sterre stip
Herinner my tog hieraan
As jy môre teen my venster pik

En as jy iewers land
Maak jy nes of vlieg jy weg
Rooivlerkspreeu, o rooivlerkspreeu
Jy’s ook in die verkeerde eeu
En as jy iewers sou land
Maak jy nes of vlieg jy weg
Rooivlerkspreeu, o rooivlerkspreeu
Jy’s ook in die verkeerde eeu


Saterdagmiddag, jy bestuur
Die vensters is oop, ek’s die passasier
Die son flankeer met skaduwees so rondom vier
Na ‘n middagete met pizza en bier

Oor die speakers lewer Philip Glass kommentaar
Klawermelodie wat oor en oor herhaal
Ek neem foto’s deur die venster met my selfoonkamera
Die stad is ‘n draaiboek en ek is die skriba

Die lewe boots kuns na
Dis ‘n Hoëveld wintersdag in Afrika
En as jy so ry skuif als
In stadige aksie verby

Straatlamp lyk soms soos ‘n beeldhouwerk
In ‘n hoekkafee kan jy skilderye opmerk
Franchise flits ‘n neonlig naam
Winkelpop wink deur ‘n vensterraam

Die man met die teken wat staan op die hoek
Verduidelik oor hoekom hy nog steeds na werk soek
Verkeersligte neem ‘n smoke break met beurtkrag
Jy wag telkens geduldig jou beurt af

Die lewe boots kuns na
Dis ‘n Hoëveld wintersdag in Afrika
En as jy so ry skuif als
In stadige aksie verby

Oor of jy gebore word het jy geen keuse nie
Of wat gebeur aan die begin van jou lewe nie
Ek dink ons het mekaar darem gekies
So tussen die wankel van wins en verlies

Maar ons hier in die kar is geen kunsfilm nie
Al beweer die klankbaan klavier iets anders nie
Laat die fantasie ons elders heen vat
Ek skrik wakker as die band in ‘n slaggat klap

Die lewe boots kuns na
Dis ‘n Hoëveld wintersdag in Afrika
En as jy so ry skuif als
In stadige aksie verby


Seewind in my hare, ‘n uil hoe-hoe
Jou kamerlig brand nog by jou huis in Nahoon
Wat ek moet doen weet net Ballyhoo
Hulle het die nommer van die Man in the Moon

Want ek’s Laika alleen in ‘n wentelbaan
Laika wat huil vir jou en die maan

Ek’s ‘n outydse ontdekker van suburban strate
Die teerpad is soos die oseaan se water
Maar golwe trek hier rond net deur die lug
Ek stuur seine in die nag na jou toe terug

Want ek’s Laika alleen in ‘n wentelbaan
Laika wat huil vir jou en die maan

Soms verlang ek na ‘n land sonder grense
Plekke sonder name, geboue of mense
Sou jy daar wees op ‘n nuwe planeet
Of het jy reeds van my naam vergeet

Want ek’s Laika alleen in ‘n wentelbaan
Laika wat huil vir jou en die maan

Ek is buite in die straat onder die maan
Ek’s ‘n mot en die huisligte trek my aan
Ek is Vasco da Gama ek is Magellaan
Hoe’t ek beland in ‘n wentelbaan
Wat om jou draai om jou kom en jou gaan
Tussen waar jy slaap en waar ek staan
Uit hierdie sirkel kan ek nie tree nie
Uit die om en om swenk kan ek nie breek nie
En wat dit beteken kan ek nie weet nie
Maar oor Yuri Gagarin kan ek nie vergeet nie

Want ek’s Laika alleen in ‘n wentelbaan
Laika wat huil vir jou en die maan


In die dae toe daar nog telefoondrade was
Met of sonder swawels of hadidas
Of toetspatrone wat TV-skerms arresteer
En zig-zag antennas wat radiogolwe aankeer

Is dit jy wat vanaand die sesuur nuus lees
Is dit jy wat sê wat die weer se bui gaan wees
Al slaan ek hoe hard op die kassie se buis
Is daar net sneeu, snee, sneeu, sneeu wat suis

Roep ek jou met Morsekode
Roep ek jou met ‘n rooksein
Voor ek vergeet, voor ek vergeet
Voor ek vergeet en jou stem verdwyn

Op ‘n tweerigtingradio soek ek jou kanaal
Maar my seine het iewers in die nag verdwaal
Ek roep jou eenmaal, ek roep jou tweemaal
Ek roep na jou in my brabbeltaal

Ek lig die gehoorbuis, maar hoor net kringfluit
Ek bel jou nommer steeds uit my kop uit
Katode klink iewers in ‘n foonsentrale
Stol in die lugleegte tussen twee pale

Roep ek jou met Morsekode
Roep ek jou met ‘n rooksein
Voor ek vergeet, voor ek vergeet
Voor ek vergeet en jou stem verdwyn

Soms hoor ek jou klingel
In ‘n lang tiekie se draaie
Soms hoor ek jou fluister
In ‘n telefoongids se blaaie
Soms sis jy deur
Hierdie telefoonhokkie deur
Soms voel ek jou deur
Hierdie lugleegte beur

Roep ek jou met Morsekode
Roep ek jou met ‘n rooksein
Voor ek vergeet, voor ek vergeet
Voor ek vergeet en jou stem verdwyn


Lank, lank gelede is kalk hier
Uit skulpe gebrand en gemaal
En is snoek en harders met sloepe
Al die pad kaai toe gehaal
Nou daar nie net ‘n hawe nie
Maar ook ‘n stasieperron
Waar ‘n trein vol skaduwees
Elke oggend Victoriaans verbykom

Die enigste waarheid
Dryf op die deinings van Valsbaai
Die enigste klaarheid
Is in die misbank se waai

By Café Olympia
Koel my koppie swart koffie solank af
Terwyl lycra met honde aan leibande
Op die promenade verby draf
In tie-dye en batik
Kom tree daai hippie hier af
En ‘n ingenieur uit die Kongo
Versamel munte as ‘n karwag

Die enigste waarheid
Dryf op die deinings van Valsbaai
Die enigste klaarheid
Is in die misbank se waai

Ons almal wat hier saam
Oor die einde van die wêreld rou
Tussen die oomblikke wat ons vergeet
En die oomblikke wat ons onthou
Elkeen van êrens elders nou hier
Maar gaan elders heen
Hierdie plek buite geskiedenis
Tussen baai en sandsteen

Die enigste waarheid
Dryf op die deinings van Valsbaai
Die enigste klaarheid
Is in die misbank se waai

Dit als verneem ek
By die visserman op die hawe
Ek is weer in Kalkbaai vir ‘n week
Om dooie drome te begrawe


My skaduwee volg my
Soos ‘n geykte kwaal
Al jaag ek soos die duiwel
Kom my skaduwee my haal
Bene en arms
Van wisselende lengtes
Afhangend van hoe son en maan
Om mekaar bly wentel

Skaduwee is iets wat jy
Mettertyd gewaar
Op teer of grasperk, teen ‘n muur
En eensklaps is dit daar
Eintlik sou ek graag met iemand
Skaduwees wou ruil
En voel hoe voel dit om ‘n slag
Van ‘n ander een te skuil

Ek en jy skaduwee
Jy en ek is een, maar twee
En waarheen ek ook vlieg of vlug
Keer ek weer na jou toe terug

Ek het ‘n slag al probeer
Om my skaduwee uit te vee
Om van die ding af weg te hardloop
Of van daarvan weg te sweef
Maar ek weet dis altyd aan my vas
Selfs ook as ek sou droom
In die donker skuil dit daar
Begrens my soos ‘n soom

Die ding is aan my voete vas
En hou my op my tone
Desperate dans roetine
Met angstige patrone
Ek laat die kwessie aan die tyd oor
Miskien ook aan geluk
Ek wag maar vir die dag wanneer
My skaduwee my insluk

Ek en jy skaduwee
Jy en ek is een, maar twee
En waarheen ek ook vlieg of vlug
Keer ek weer na jou toe terug

Refleksie is ‘n skaduwee
In ‘n venster of ‘n spieël
Afruk wat die kyker koggel
En met jou sinne speel
Want binne in die spieëlbeeld
Is die loopvlak verdeel
Met ‘n ek en met ‘n skaduwee
Wat die kalklig kom steel

Ek en jy skaduwee
Jy en ek is een, maar twee
En waarheen ek ook vlieg of vlug
Keer ek weer na jou toe terug


Soos altyd vanaand weer sy tafel opgesoek
Die een met die uitsig, die een in die hoek
Na die spyskaart hoef hy al lank nie meer te kyk nie
Van sy gewone keuse sal hy nooit afwyk nie

Gitswart son, silwer maan
Sterre op skrefies en ons verstaan
Dat als nog altyd om elkander draai
Dat ‘n wentelbaan als weer van vooraf laat herhaal

Bolognese en bier om mee te begin
Bottel Bordeaux om oor die dag te besin
Hierdie dans met glas en porselein
Het hy oor die jare reeds kleingekry

Gitswart son, silwer maan
Sterre op skrefies en ons verstaan
Dat als nog altyd om elkander draai
Dat ‘n wentelbaan als weer van vooraf laat herhaal

Die dag is duister, maar snags sien hy skerp
As die straatlampe lig op die onderwerp werp
Patrone word duidelik in ‘n maanskaduwee
Voorwerpe kry vorm as die donker vibreer

Gitswart son, silwer maan
Sterre op skrefies en ons verstaan
Dat als nog altyd om elkander draai
Dat ‘n wentelbaan als weer van vooraf laat herhaal



© Andries Bezuidenhout

Andries Bezuidenhout – No place for time here (album)

Afrikaans musician, poet and painter Andries Bezuidenhout’s first English-language album. Translated tracks from his six solo albums, some with new arrangements. Quintessentially a South African album, with a bit of Afrikaans and IsiXhosa in the mix. Released on 5 July 2024.

Music and lyrics by Andries Bezuidenhout, except for:
“Explorer of Nahoon”, melody by Andries Bezuidenhout and Lukas van Garderen
“Umasizakhe”, words in the chorus from a Pan Africanist Congress struggle song
Recorded and mixed by Andries Bezuidenhout
Mastered by Willem Möller at Sharp Street Studio

Stream or download.



Something’s out of kilter, something isn’t right
The alarm clock’s dual dials have both taken flight
The shoes in the closet stomp an unpaired march
The whisky bottle’s label flies half mast

But beware of the dream, beware, beware
Of counting on sleeping through this nightmare
Beware of the dream, beware of the dream
The wages of dreaming are dreams

Oh look, a squint eyed television
And a radio with dials of indecision
The hoover electrical chord is on the loose
The boiler and the fridge declare a truce

But beware of the dream, beware, beware
Of counting on sleeping through this nightmare
Beware of the dream, beware of the dream
The wages of dreaming are dreams

From today, I say, I live on purpose
But I know, I have the wrong end of the business
Because every foundation harbours a ruin
And each straight façade ends in confusion

But beware of the dream, beware, beware
Of counting on sleeping through this nightmare
Beware of the dream, beware of the dream
The wages of dreaming are dreams


Summer in Pretoria, the sun shines bright
Iscor sparks a furnace in the skies
Summer in Pretoria, the sun shines too bright
On the lenses that cover my eyes

Staring at the world through a pair shades
All I can do to protect
To censor and deflect reality
These images too bright for me
These images too bright for me
These images too bright for me

Civil service buildings like filing cabinets
Waiting for decrees, decisions, and verdicts
I’m in my Beatle, waiting for the light
That orders me back to my daily plight

Observing these fumes through a pair of shades
All I can do in this traffic
To censor and deflect reality
These headlights too bright for me
These headlights too bright for me
These headlights too bright for me

I see books and chairs and pens and my boss
Scowling and waiting for a moment to pounce
Waiting for tea time and for tjaila time
All I can do but meanwhile

I look at the world through a camera lense
With a focus on the present tense
I focus in shades of black and white
Because reality is way too bright
Reality is way too bright
Reality is way too bright

Staring at the world through a pair shades
All I can do to protect
To censor and deflect reality
These images too bright for me
These images too bright for me
These images too bright for me


If the sun could momentarily
Keep the morning light at bay
Then dreams might eventually
Spirit me away
But alarm clocks are not interested
In the content of dreams
An seconds keep on marching
To a military beat

If you land somewhere
Do you nest or do you flee
How did we end up, oh red-winged starling
In this troubled century
And if you land somewhere
Do you nest or do you flee
How did we end up, oh red-winged starling
In this troubled century

Heard you early in the morning mist
Before you settled on the roof
At first your call is tentative
And then becomes incessant.
My generation fears sentiment
Our hearts beat cold cement
Is this the reason for my projection
About a starlings wisdom and protection

If you land somewhere
Do you nest or do you flee
How did we end up, oh red-winged starling
In this troubled century
And if you land somewhere
Do you nest or do you flee
How did we end up, oh red-winged starling
In this troubled century

I know Central Park and Voldelpark
And Zanzibar’s old night market
I wonder if you’d flourish there
How do starlings choose their lairs?
Fewer lights where I am now
So the stars are brighter and somehow
Please remind me of this tomorrow
When your beak starts pecking at my window

If you land somewhere
Do you nest or do you flee
How did we end up, oh red-winged starling
In this troubled century
And if you land somewhere
Do you nest or do you flee
How did we end up, oh red-winged starling
In this troubled century


Ocean wind in my hair, an owl hoo-hoos
Your bedroom light still on at your house in Nahoon
What I should do knows only Ballyhoo
They’ve got the number of the Man in the Moon

I’m Laika alone, in an orbit’s glue
Laika howling at you and the moon

I’m a discoverer of old of the streets of suburbia
Asphalt a bit like uncharted ocean
But around here waves move only through the air
I’ll send you a signal from here to there

I’m Laika alone, in an orbit’s glue
Laika howling at you and the moon

Sometimes I yearn for a land without borders
Nameless places, empty corners
Will you be there, on this empty plain
Or have you already disposed of my name

I’m Laika alone, in an orbit’s glue
Laika howling at you and the moon

Outside in the street, under the moon
I’m a moth and I sense the light bulb’s pull
I’m Vasco da Gama, I’m Magellan
In a revolution’s hold I cannot withstand
You are the pivot and I am the fan
Amid where you sleep and where I stand
From this eternal circle I cannot escape
Out of this carousel I cannot break
What this track means I still don’t get
But about Yuri Gagarin I cannot forget

I’m Laika alone, in an orbit’s glue
Laika howling at the moon and you


The sun’s bleak face sniggers up high
Through the icy filters of the Highveld sky
The sphere folded into a chilly blue
With crystal membranes on the morning dew

Block and cement endure cold saturation
That gives every house here a frozen foundation
Caravan on bricks, the bare, bare branches
Of an iceberg garden’s forfeited chances

How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?

Cool at dusk, chilly at night
as Nigel and Balfour wait on the light
For marrow and vein and pipe to thaw
And the shivering in bodies to briefly withdraw

The reefs were traded for power plant blasts
But those scorching fires could never last
Headgear topple, mineshafts collapse
Under Main Reef Road the tunnels are traps

How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?
How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?

Perhaps clarity in crass, resolve in cold
When simple answers can no longer hold
The bleak resignation of the winter skies
Wraps your shoulders like expedient lies

How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?
How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?


In the rearview mirror a sunrise on full blast
Paper cups with coffee from the Stanley flask
Concrete chairs and a table under an age old bluegum
Down the mountain pass lies the Camdeboo

The speedometer is fluent and fully bilingual
It speaks kilos per hour, but can also tell miles
Its dial does not rotate, but swings from side to side
As we sail past a kestrel on a telephone line

Trunk with tailfins, red leather seats
Mixtape on the deck with a steady beat
Between Pearston and Graaff-Reinet my greatest wish
A shining convertible seventies Benz

Leave Lucy Jordan in Paris to make her own amends
Of Thelma and Louise I can just recall how it ends
And Bagdad Café you won’t find around here
Jack Kerouac got lost, for decades now, I fear

Matchbox full of diamonds, and Riders on the storm
In the valley at distance a whirlwind being born
Valiant Swart and Kerkorrel sing about locusts and rain
As shadows lose their way between mountainsides and the plains

Trunk with tailfins, red leather seats
Mixtape on the deck with a steady beat
Between Pearston and Graaff-Reinet my greatest wish
A shining convertible seventies Benz

Nowhere to be, nowhere to go
And how we got here concerns no one
Cirrus clouds above and an open road
Just us and plains of the Camdeboo

Trunk with tailfins, red leather seats
Mixtape on the deck with a steady beat
Between Pearston and Graaff-Reinet my greatest wish
A shining convertible seventies Benz

Is this something I remember, is it even real
Or maybe a yearning or a beautiful dream
But I’m at the wheel and you’re next to me, I bet
From Pearston all the way past Graaff-Reinet


From the Fernsehturm, Berlin from up high
You get to know a new city best from the sky
City of gates, city of walls
Checkpoint Charlie, Brandenburger Tor

In the Waldbuhne theatre Leonard Cohen takes a bow
And shortly thereafter turns his back on the crowd
Down Unter den Linden a breeze of perfume
At the Hauptbahnhof the sounds of Lili Marleen

City rebuilt, city of ruins
Fallen walls reappear in dreams
Never-ending circle of the S-Bahn tracks
My balance faltered at Alexanderplatz

Polished concrete in the winter sun
Rows of light a blinding abandon
Words disappear down Kastanienallee
As the past recalls the future from somewhere or nowhere

Rosa Luxemburg’s ghost at Kreuzberg’s canal
On a statue shoulder Wim Wenders’ angel so small
The Palast der Republik’s shattered glass
Nightmares and hope in a cabaret dance

City rebuilt, city of ruins
Broken walls reappear in dreams
Never-ending circle of the S-Bahn tracks
My balance faltered at Alexanderplatz

In Prenzlauer Berg I met you for a Steh Kaffee brew
My coat’s lining too light for the colour of your mood
City of belonging, city of hate
Checkpoint Charlie and Ishtar’s gate

City rebuilt, city of ruins
Fractured walls reappear in dreams
Never-ending circle of the S-Bahn tracks
My balance faltered at Alexanderplatz


Stop, stop, pull off right here
I’m waiter, cleaner, chef and sommelier
Guests here are treated more like friends
These walls protect you from the madness out there
Cutlery arranged to fit with the rhyme
In support of the melody the table tops shine

Our menu offers peace and rest
Those two dishes are what we do best
Our unique recipe for a break from eternity

No one has the answer to all the world’s troubles
So focus on the coffee in the cup on your table
We have cellars with casks filled with harmony and wine
Pantries that turn longing and yearning to sunshine
Piping hot bread, newly ground coffee
Orange juice from our orchard, freshly squeezed

Our menu offers peace and rest
Those two dishes are what we do best
Our unique recipe for a break from eternity

In the cold, cold kitchen, at night on my own
In the morning hours I hear the refrigerators drone

Our menu offers peace and rest
Those two dishes are what we do best
Our unique recipe for a break from eternity


Lukas from Johannesburg
Does heelflips at Boogaloo’s
Urban X and Revolution
Nose blunt slides in Hillbrow
Frames freeze with a backflip
Time stands still with an ollie impossible
As spine transfer’s big sky moment
Suspending you up high

Wind, water, earth and fire
Things here don’t seem so dire
When time suddenly pauses

Days do pop shuv-its
Hours can also five-o grind
The no-slides of the seconds
Bring calendars to a stand still
Can Shaka do a heelflip
Can Paul Kruger do a Smith grind?
Can Cecil Rhodes do a tail-slide
All the way to the Suez canal?

Look forward, look back, or look away
Things don’t look so bad today
When time suddenly pauses

Lukas likes to read
About history’s history
About mummies and pyramids
About what’d been before we were there
Can Ramses do a kickflip
Tutankhamun a feeble grind?
Can Cleopatra make a drop-in
From Cairo to the Cape?

Wind, water, earth and fire
Things here don’t seem so dire
When time suddenly pauses
Look forward, look back, or look away
Things don’t look so bad today
When time suddenly pauses


Personally I don’t think Lavinia is a witch
Even though all the others around here do
She often plays the lead in scary stories
In this small town in the Karoo
She has seven cats and pitch black boots
Telescope on the balcony and a raven on the roof

What does Lavinia read in the stars
What does she say to moon
Does she see patterns in clouds up high
That seem to pass all of us by?

Around here we cook everything until its grey
But Lavinia’s kitchen with spices makes cooking look like play
With bottles of quince and peaches and figs
And paper bags with pepper and rosemary twigs

What does Lavinia read in the stars
What does she say to moon
Does she see patterns in clouds up high
That seem to pass all of us by?

She invited me in, one winter afternoon
Stirred a pot of tea with a wooden spoon
Talked about Cape Town, long ago
Her life there and how she’d come to know
Writers and actors and dancers and painters
And a very close friend, she was so special
But before she could even finish her story
I heard my father knock on the door

What are you doing, in this Karoo Town
Lavinia, where nothing ever happens
Do you see patterns in the clouds up high
That seem to pass all of us by?


Your brakdak house on a Karoo mountain side
Shutters on the windows for blinding light
Child who loves to read, child who loves debate
Once you start speaking things will have to change

Thina sizwe se Afrika
Sikalel’ umhlaba wethu
Thina sizwe se Afrika
Sikalel’ umhlaba wethu

Guest of the state in a house on the island
Laws passed each year to keep your words silent
Words too dangerous for people to read
Words too powerful to be passed on freely

Thina sizwe se Afrika
Sikalel’ umhlaba wethu
Thina sizwe se Afrika
Sikalel’ umhlaba wethu

With Ma Zondeni you rest outside of town
To comment I can’t find words of my own

Thina sizwe se Afrika
Sikalel’ umhlaba wethu
Thina sizwe se Afrika
Sikalel’ umhlaba wethu


For you I can’t promise the world
But perhaps a few simple words
I can also not promise the moon
But perhaps a modest tune
I’ve very little influence, and even less talent
But I have coffee pot, a campsite, and a tent

I promise you restful days
I promise you a place to hide away

I can’t promise heavens and earth
But I know the way to a desert well
I can’t even promise you the sea
But there are so many stories I can tell

I promise you a winter blanket
I promise you a lamp and a candle
I promise you restful days
I promise you a place to hide away

I have few possessions
But plenty of books
An abundance of music
For whichever mood
I know a few recipes
For pancakes and bread
More than this I can’t offer
I confess from the onset

I promise you a winter blanket
I promise you a lamp and a candle
I promise you restful days
I promise you a place to hide away

© Andries Bezuidenhout


Explorer of Nahoon – music video

A song about the suburbs, in this case the suburbs of East London in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. From the albums No place for time here and Trooskantates (both released on 5 July 2024). The song contains a reference to “Man in the moon”, a 1980s South African hit song by the East London band Ballyhoo.

Lyric by Andries Bezuidenhout, music by Lukas van Garderen and Andries Bezuidenhout
Recorded and mixed by Andries Bezuidenhout
Mastered by Willem Möller

Highveld Utopias – music video

A track from the album No place for time here (released on 5 July 2024). A song about Johannesburg, South Africa, with historical and more contemporary footage of the city. The historian Jonathan Hyslop considered using this title for his book on the history of a Johannesburg trade unionist, eventually published under the title “The Notorious Syndicalist”. But “Highveld Utopias” is too good a title to let go. I initially used it with his permission for the Afrikaans version of the song that was released in the 2000s on the album “Bleek berus”.

Lyrics and music by Andries Bezuidenhout
Recorded and mixed by Andries Bezuidenhout
Mastered by Willem Möller


The sun’s bleak face sniggers up high
Through the icy filters of the Highveld sky
The sphere folded into a chilly blue
With crystal membranes on the morning dew

Block and cement endure cold saturation
That gives every house here a frozen foundation
Caravan on bricks, the bare, bare branches
Of an iceberg garden’s forfeited chances

How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?

Cool at dusk, chilly at night
as Nigel and Balfour wait on the light
For marrow and vein and pipe to thaw
And the shivering in bodies to briefly withdraw

The reefs were traded for power plant blasts
But those scorching fires could never last
Headgear topple, mineshafts collapse
Under Main Reef Road the tunnels are traps

How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?
How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?

Perhaps clarity in crass, resolve in cold
When simple answers can no longer hold
The bleak resignation of the winter skies
Wraps your shoulders like expedient lies

How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?
How long does it last, what would you say
Or did this dry season come to stay?

© Andries Bezuidenhout

Lied vir Berlyn/ Song for Berlin – music video

Van die album Dink aan planete (2022), beelde wat met ‘n besoek aan Berlyn in 2023 geneem is en met kunsmatige intelligensie ‘n bietjie meer dromerig gemaak is. ‘n Lied oor ‘n stad met ‘n traumatiese geskiedenis – die afbreek van ou geboue en monumente en die oprig van nuwes. Die meeste van die videomateriaal is van die Humboldt Forum se dak geneem, met ‘n pragtige uitsig oor die stad.

English translation of “Lied vir Berlyn”. An outsider’s view of a complicated and beautiful city, where old buildings and walls are demolished and new ones are erected.

Strate sonder bome – Brixton Moord en Roof Orkes (English)

Strate sonder bome [translated from Afrikaans: Streets without trees] is the Afrikaans-language rock band Brixton Moord & Roof Orkes’ [Tr: Brixton Murder and Robbery Band’s] fifth album. It will be released on 16 December 2023 on all the major streaming platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, YouTube, Tidal, etc.) and can be downloaded at Amazon. The band describes it as an album that moves forward by looking back. As they sing on the album’s last track:

Alice of Asfodel, Pringlebaai of Montreal
Wat bepaal of jy vlieg of val
Of van watter kant van Brixton se rand
Jy nou dophou hoe die vure brand?

[Alice or Asphodel, Pringle Bay or Montreal
What decides if you fly or fall
Or from which side of Brixton’s ridge
You observe how the fires burn]

The eleven new tracks – nearly an hour’s music – were penned and composed by Kapelaan Pat Plank (also known as Gerhard Barnard), Moord Greeff (Ockert), and Roof Bezuidenhout (Andries). These three remaining members of the band once lived within two street blocks from each other in Brixton, the Johannesburg suburb. They met each other here, started performing as a band in the local bar, and their band room was located at Gerhard’s house on the corner of Ripley and Barnes Streets.

Currently all three of them live elsewhere. Andries lives in Alice in the Eastern Cape, Gerhard in Pringle Bay in the Western Cape, and Ockert in Montreal, Canada. Asphodel in the lyric quoted above refers to the afterlife in ancient Greek mythology, with reference to Brixton Barnard (Drikus, Gerhard’s younger brother), who died from brain cancer in 2015, and Louis Graham, the band’s drummer who died from Covid-19 in 2021.

The band’s reference to looking back is all about the past – about the olden days in Brixton, the days when people still drove up a mine dump to watch movies at the Top Star drive-in theatre, when you still paid R20 for a traffic fine on the South African edition of the Monopoly board game. Ockert’s lyric “Tape deck begrafnisbrief” [tr: Tape deck funeral homily) is inspired by a custom he observed during a visit to Nicaragua, where people play mixtapes at a high volume on old style boomboxes as part of a funeral procession. Ockert re-imagines this scene replicated on Brixton’s streets. The album’s opening track returns to Brixton in the 1990s and quotes from the band’s older lyrics from this time. The title track, “Strate sonder bome”, also written by Ockert, remembers Brixton as a place with naked pavements. Despite this, Ockert remembers Brixton as a spiritual home of sorts, both the somewhat dilapidated neighbourhood and the band itself. Ockert continues: “Although I was, back then – now almost two decades ago – completely unaware of the home offered by both the band and the neighbourhood, I realise now that it was most probably a unique, once-off space. It was a strange mix of outsiders, intellectuals, office workers and labourers, who all welcomed everything uncanny and different. In ‘Strate sonder bome’ a traveller arrives at a house like a stray dog. A female figure says: ‘Lets feed him’. For me this is the best possible conclusion to a journey.”

In terms of musical style, the band’s trio also revisit the past with boisterous moments of old school rock ‘n roll.

What then does the reference to moving ahead entail? Roof Explains: “In order to move on, I guess, you first have to arrive somewhere. In some way recoding this album has helped us to move on after losing Drikus and Louis. This is the band’s first album where Drikus doesn’t play a role as musician and songwriter. With our previous album, ‘Bazaar punk’, we worked with tracks that Drikus had left behind. We were able to hear his voice for a last time, but at the time we also thought of it as the band’s final album. However, those eight tracks spurred Gerhard, Ockert, and me to keep on communicating – mostly by e-mail from over great distances. The fact that we continued to exchange tracks after the release of ‘Bazaar punk’ surprised us, maybe even caught us off-guard. Maybe this is the reason why we are preoccupied with moving on. We refer to Brixton (the place) as our Ithaka – this island in ancient Greek mythology where the journey ends. When you arrive at Ithaka one day, very much like in Constantin Cavafy’s poem, the journey there made you look at the places you visited along the way with new eyes. This is why we constantly return to Brixton – even though we don’t know whether it is a final destination, or a half-way stop. I hope this makes sense.”

Gerhard adds: “I don’t doubt that Brixton is my Ithaka. When the songs on this album started to take shape I wondered whether we weren’t being overly nostalgic. However, for this first time I appreciated the extent to which the place and the music making that had come with it would have on my topsy-turvy road ahead. Even though Brixton is in the rear view mirror, for me it remains larger than life. It was a great pleasure to work on the album and I look back with appreciation, but also forward in anticipation.” To cite Edmund Keely’s English translation of Cavafy’s poem (here Ithaka can be replaced with with Brixton):

Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you wouldn’t have set out.
She has nothing left to give you now.

And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you.
Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,
you’ll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.

The idea of moving on is also captured in “Fransman se jas” [tr: Frenchman’s coat], which is about a jail bird who is released from custody and who tries to escape his gang member past by driving away from it all at high speed. He knows this is futile, but for one night he races like a flying kite. Similarly, in the song “Vrou op die trein in die skildery” [tr: “Woman on the train in the painting”] a woman, who has just lived through a traumatic divorce, finds herself on a train – she feels lonely, but in some way also free. Very much like one could imagine the woman on the train in the American artist Edward Hopper’s painting “Compartment C, Car 293” (from 1938). “Ek ken jou tipe” [tr: “I know your type”] deals with the present and looks ahead, with social commentary on new pyres and inquisitions in a world where fact and fiction are entangled, and new scapegoats are fingered to stand in for a prevailing sense of insecurity.


Gerhard, Ockert, and Andries started recoding the album in mid-2022. Each of them has a home sound studio, in part because of the Covid lockdown. Ockert has a studio in his home cellar, but also has access to a band rehearsal space that is set up to record a drumkit – in Canada he plays in a band called Deathdrive. Andries mixed the tracks, with the final mix done during a monthlong stay in Copenhagen in September 2023. Willem Möller mastered the album at Sharpe Street Studios in Glencairn, Cape Town, and made suggestions to improve the final mixes.

Apart from the absence of Brixton Barnard’s voice, the sound is reminiscent of previous Brixton Moord & Roof Orkes albus – an eclectic combination of musical styles. The listener will notice rock, folk, reggae, country, and kwêla. The predominant sound is a combination of rock and dark ballads, interspersed with ample humoristic moments. Vocals are by Andries and Gerhard, acoustic guitar and keyboards by Andries, electric and bass guitar by Gerhard, and drums and percussion by Ockert.

About the album’s production Andries says: “We tried to get an old school analogue sound, even though everything was recorded and mixed digitally. I used programmes that simulate classical analogue equalisers and compressors – Fairchild and Pultec. I hope folks who listen to the album notice the grit.” Ockert adds: “I’m really happy with the album’s sound. There is something familiar about the music, but at the same time it is challenging. If you’re tired of the middle of the road popular music dished up everywhere and you appreciate musicians who are willing to take risks, this is the album for you.”