Ek ry die hele nag lank

Ek ry die hele nag lank
Ek ry die hele nag lank

Title: “Ek ry die hele nag lank”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 40.6×40.6cm, 2016

The title refers to a song by Afrikaans musician Valiant Swart. The song deals with a trip from the Western Cape to Johannesburg (referred to as Gomorrah) and Pretoria (Sodom) to perform to audiences there. In the song the speaker drives all day long – “ons ry die hele dag lank”.

Price: Sold

Prynnsberg, ‘n lug vol helder wolke

"Prynnsberg, 'n lug vol helder wolke"
“Prynnsberg, ‘n lug vol helder wolke”

Title: “Prynnsberg, ‘n lug vol helder wolke”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 25.5×25.5cm, 2017

A painting from a series completed at Prynnsberg in the Eastern Free State. The title refers to a novel by Karel Schoeman – “‘n Lug vol helder wolke”, situated in the Free State. Translated into English the book title refers to a sky filled with luminous or bright clouds.

Price: Not for sale

Prynnsberg kitchen

"Prynnsberg kitchen"
“Prynnsberg kitchen”

Title: “Prynnsberg kitchen”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 40.6×40.6cm, 2017

The kitchen of the Prynnsberg manor house in the Eastern Free State. The work was on exhibition at the Breytenbach Gallery in Wellington as part of an exhibition titled “Instruments of peace”.

Price: Sold

Laaiplek hawe

"Laaiplek hawe"
“Laaiplek hawe”

Title: “Laaiplek hawe”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 30x40cm, 2016

Laaiplek is a small harbour for fishing trawlers on South Africa’s West Coast. Laaiplek means “loading place”. It is close to the town Velddrif, on the mouth of the Berg River. Velddrif had its own river harbour, upstream from Laaiplek. This harbour serviced a fish canning factory that was set up after the Second World War to employ returning soldiers. Over time the river became too shallow, rendering this harbour unviable. As a result the Laaiplek harbour was constructed in the river mouth, but closer to the ocean.

Price: Sold

To buy this painting contact: admin[at]andriesbezuidenhout.co.za

The Poppe Series

“Poppedans” (Dolls’ dance), “Poppekas” (Puppet theatre) and “Poppespel” (Dolls’ game), by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 2016.

Price: R6 500 for the series (not available as single paintings)

To buy these paintings contact: admin[at]andriesbezuidenhout.co.za

Stillewe met digbundels en terpentyn

"Stillewe met Breytenbach se 'Die na-dood', 'Die singende hand' en 'n bottle Suid-Afrikaans vervaardigde terpentyn"
“Stillewe met Breytenbach se ‘Die na-dood’, ‘Die singende hand’ en ‘n bottel Suid-Afrikaans vervaardigde terpentyn”

Title: “Stillewe met Breytenbach se ‘Die na-dood’, ‘Die singende hand’ en ‘n bottle Suid-Afrikaans vervaardigde terpentyn” (Tr: Still life with Breytenbach’s ‘Die na-dood’, ‘Die singende hand’ and a bottle of South African manufactured turpentine), by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 25x25cm, 2016

A still life with two of the South African poet and painter Breyten Breytenbach’s books of poetry and a bottle of distilled turpentine manufactured in Kleinmond, South Africa. The title of one of the books of poetry, “Die singende hand”, can be translated as “The singing hand”, and refers to Matisse who said that he kept on painting so that his hand may sing.

Price: R3 500

To buy this painting contact: admin[at]andriesbezuidenhout.co.za

The Disa Series

The Disa Series – made during a three month stay (February to May 2016) in Disa Park in Vredehoek, Cape Town. A blog by the artist on this series of paintings (in Afrikaans).

Contact admin[at]andriesbezuidenhout.co.za for sales

Koos en Roof kom Pretoria toe!


Kom sit saam met Koos Kombuis en Andries ‘Roof’ Bezuidenhout om die kombuistafel en luister hoe die twee woordkunstenaars heerlik en hartlik gesels tussen splinternuwe liedjies en ook ʼn paar wat ou herinneringe wek. Na suksesvolle optredes op die verhoë by die KKNK in Oudtshoorn, die Stellenbosse Woordfees en die Breytenbach-sentrum se Bôrdienghuis teater in Wellington, is Terug na die Kombuis! nou uiteindelik in Pretoria op die planke. Dra ʼn lady van die bodorp nog tekkies en ʼn oorhangtrui? En wat van liefde wat grense oorsteek? Deesdae dra mense eerder posters as pasboeke. Kom sien waaroor die bohaai gaan! In die woorde van die resensent Herman Lategan: “…gaan kyk self. Dit sal nie ʼn teleurstelling wees nie.”

Waar? Atterbury Teater by Lynnwood Bridge (op die hoek van Lynnwoodweg en die N1)

Wanneer? Vrydag 10 Junie 2016, om 20:00

Bespreek vroegtydig jou kaartjie by Computicket.

Herman Lategan resenseer "Terug na die kombuis" in Ink, die Woordfeeskoerant
Herman Lategan resenseer “Terug na die kombuis” in Ink, die Woordfeeskoerant