Title: “Kleineikeboom grensdraad”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 51x61cm, 2016
A pastoral scene from the farm Kleineikeboom on the road from Wellington to Hermon.
Price: Not for sale
South African landscapes in visual art, poetry and music
Title: “Kleineikeboom grensdraad”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 51x61cm, 2016
A pastoral scene from the farm Kleineikeboom on the road from Wellington to Hermon.
Price: Not for sale
Title: “Approaching the mountain”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 35x50cm, 2016
The highway into Cape Town.
Price: Sold
Title: “Sheep going nowhere”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 30x40cm, 2016
From the farm Kleineikeboom near Hermon. Where the Boland meets the Swartland. Dedicated to Ingrid Glorie and Elize Zorgman, after a visit to Haarlem’s art galleries.
Price: Not for sale
Title: “Kimberley”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 25×25cm, 2017
A small townscape from Kimberley, the historical heart of diamond mining in South Africa and where the use of prison labour by Cecil John Rhodes led to the invention of the miners compound in South Africa.
Price: Sold
Title: “Murraysburg bokke”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 59×42cm, 2016
Goats in the streets of Murraysburg, a Karoo town.
Sold by IS Art Gallery.
Title: “Kunstenaarshuis, Rosendal”, by Andries Bezuidenout, oil on canvas, 42×59.5cm, 2016
The home of Willem and Linda Pretorius, Rosendal in South Africa’s Free State province, near the Lesotho border. Willem is a landscape painter, but has also won a number of awards for portraits.
Price: Not for sale
Title: “Sunday night, Cullinan: And there are no diamonds in the mine”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 40×50cm
Title: “Johannesburg nokturne”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 40.6×40.6cm, 2016
A Johannesburg night scene, from the vantage point of Observatory, a suburb of the city.
Price: R4 000
“Kamberg, sonsopkoms”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 40.6×40.6cm, 2016
A scene from the Drankensberg area in KwaZulu-Natal. Kamberg is the site of a significant range of rock art.
Price: R4 000
“Koffieplek in Pierneefstraat”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 40.6×40.6cm, 2016
A coffee shop in Pierneef Street in Pretoria – in a area called the Moot.
Price: Sold