Title: “Garingboom afdraai”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 41 x 51 cm
A scene from the South African Karoo semi-desert. The “garingboom” (agave silasana) was imported into South Africa from Mexico.
Price: Sold
South African landscapes in visual art, poetry and music
For sales, contact: admin[at]andriesbezuidenhout.co.za | click on “Older posts” at the end for more paintings
Title: “Garingboom afdraai”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 41 x 51 cm
A scene from the South African Karoo semi-desert. The “garingboom” (agave silasana) was imported into South Africa from Mexico.
Price: Sold
Title: “Lutherse Kerk, Onverwacht”, by Andries Bezuidenhout, oil on canvas, 45 x 35 cm
The painting depicts a Lutheran Church building at Onverwacht, a settlement near Cullinan on the eastern outskirts of Gauteng Province.
Price: Sold